Sales forecasting refers to the weekly/monthly/yearly process of projecting revenue by a company. Every company uses some sort of forecasting method to projects its revenue. One of the prime reasons why forecasting is important is to have a set goal that a sales team can aim to achieve.
It’s true that every business has its own way of tracking progress and it applies to sales forecast as well. Now if you’re working in the sales domain for a long time, you might be quite familiar with the process of forecasting and how it is done. If however, you’re a newbie or have been recently promoted to a managerial role, here are some sales forecasting methods you can take a look at.
Let’s have a look at the 14 sales forecasting templates that we have curated to help you get started.
Sales forecasting templates
Here you’ll find a sales forecast sample, a 12-month sales forecasting template for multiple products, a sales forecast presentation example, and many other helpful templates. Each downloadable forecast excel sheet has 2 sheets in them. One sheet is filled with dummy values while the other has been kept blank for you to use.
- Fundamental Sales Forecast Sample Template
- 12-Month Sales Forecasting Template for Numerous Products
- 3-Year Sales Forecast Template
- 5-Year Sales Forecast Template
- Monthly Sales Projection Template
- Daily Sales Forecast Template
- Sales and Budget Forecast Template
- Product Sales and Profit Forecasting Template
- Deal-Based Sales Forecasting Template
- Opportunity-Based Sales Forecast Template
- Sales Forecasting by Lead Stage Template
- E-Commerce Sales Forecast Template
- Retail Sales Forecast Template
- Hotel Revenue Projection Template

Fundamental Sales Forecast Sample Template
This sales forecast template is easy to use and provides an example of the forecasted sales of a product. Customize this model by using a forecasting technique to gather data, including historical sales information, economic trends, or comparisons within your industry. Enter the year, product, and unit type. Then, add the number of pieces sold and price per unit — the sales amount and percentage totals will compute for each month with built-in formulas.
Download Basic Sales Forecast Sample Template
12-Month Sales Forecasting Template for Numerous Products
This sales forecasting template delivers an estimate of future sales for multiple products in a yearly view, but you can tailor it to project sales for any period. Enter the product, service, or other category names according to your needs. Then, enter your estimated monthly sales. There is also space to add historical deals, which can help you identify trends and other information that will be valuable for making future projections.
Download 12-Month Sales Forecasting Template for Numerous Products
3-Year Sales Forecast Template
This customizable revenue projection template is for forecasting sales for 36 months. Enter the count of units sold, unit price, and unit cost of goods sold (CoGS). Once you’ve inserted those values, built-in formulas will calculate the monthly and yearly sales growth rate, revenue, margin, and gross profit. This model also provides year-to-year contrasts to identify the years that saw the highest pace of growth.
Download 3-Year Sales Forecast Template
5-Year Sales Forecast Template
This forecast excel sheet is comprehensible and displays the monthly and yearly sales projection for a product at a glance. Simply enter the total units sold and price per unit for a product. Then, the complete sales figures and percentages will auto-calculate with pre-built formulas. This template shows the highest performing month and provides insight into sales trends and fluctuations.
Download 5-Year Sales Forecast Template
Monthly Sales Projection Template
The monthly sales projection template is customizable and shows forecasts on a monthly and yearly view. Enter the year predicted at the top, add total projected sales goals for new business and reorders for each month, and then add real sales for comparison. The variance will compute via built-in formulas so that you can measure the accuracy of new monthly sales, product reorders, and combined totals.
Download Monthly Sales Projection Template
Daily Sales Forecast Template
This daily sales forecasting template allows you to estimate sales projections for a daily or weekly time frame. Use historical sales data for the same period in previous years, and use the additional space beneath each week’s start date to append notes, including weekly sales or holidays that influenced the price per unit or total sales.
Download Daily Sales Forecast Template
Sales and Budget Forecast Template
This customizable sales and budget forecast template project monthly sales and planned expenses for a company, including advertising, insurance, payroll, and overhead. Add the estimated number of customers, average sales per customer, and the average cost per deal. Then, add funds for operating, payroll, and office expenses. Once you’ve recorded those values, pre-built formulas will calculate the total sales, gross profit, total costs, and net profit for 12 months.
Download Sales and Budget Forecast Template
Product Sales and Profit Forecasting Template
This sales and profit forecasting template offers the projected sales, operating income, and market share for a product over five years. Once you’ve keyed the product data, the forecasted values will auto-calculate on the Output Scenario tab with built-in formulas. The scores provide forecasted sales and profit based on the target operating income and target market share.
Download Product Sales and Profit Forecasting Template
Deal-Based Sales Forecasting Template
This sales forecasting template depends on the deal stage, size, and probability. Enter the business name and contact information related to each deal, select the deal stage, and add the deal size. Once you enter the phase and size, the probability and weighted forecast will auto-calculate with built-in formulas. This template has space to assign a sales representative, select anticipated close dates, and detail necessary further actions.
Download Deal-Based Sales Forecasting Template
Opportunity-Based Sales Forecast Template
This revenue projection model provides a weighted forecast for opportunities based on the probability of the sale. Add the prospect name, sales phase, sales agent, region, and sales category. Then, add the forecasted amount and likelihood for each opportunity. Based on the rates you enter, the weighted forecast will auto-calculate with pre-built formulas and display a pictorial representation of sales projections on the Forecast Totals and Forecast Graph tabs.
Download Opportunity-Based Sales Forecast Template
Sales Forecasting by Lead Stage Template
This lead-driven forecast template permits you to project the value of each lead every month, based on past data (e.g., the previous sales cycle, lead conversion rates, and average unit price). When you tailor the Deal Stage key, the deal stages use formulas to update accordingly automatically. Add contact info, key dates, and the deal value for each lead. Then, the weighted forecast value will auto-calculate agreeing to the closure probability you assign to each stage in the key.
Download Sales Forecasting by Lead Stage Template
E-Commerce Sales Forecast Template
This sales forecast excel template is for forecasting future revenue for an e-commerce business for over five years. Enter the marketing department’s financial plan at the top of the model. Then, enter the count of organic visits, conversion rate, average order value, and other revenue. Once you input those values, the paid and organic website visits, sales, and total revenue will auto-calculate with built-in formulas.
Download the E-Commerce Sales Forecast Template
Retail Sales Forecast Template
This tailorable retail sales forecasting excel projects the total annual revenue for five years. Enter the estimated daily footfall, the percentage of customers who enter the store and make a purchase, average sale, and other sources of revenue. Once you key in those values, the total number of customers, sales, and revenue will calculate with pre-built formulas.
Download The Retail Sales Forecast Template
Hotel Revenue Projection Template
This sales forecasting template estimates the annual income of a hotel for over five years. Enter the total count of rooms and the number of operating days in a given year, the occupancy frequency and average daily room rate, and the food and beverage percentage, if applicable. The projected room occupancy and total revenue will calculate automatically with built-in formulas.
Download The Hotel Revenue Projection Template