Australia is a highly developed country, placed at 12th position in the world in terms of high-income economy and 10th place based on highest per capital income.
In terms of financial situation, quality of life, health, economic freedom, education, and civil liberties, Australia ranks the highest! And, with its enhanced development, B2B marketers or businesses are more interested to invest in the list of companies in Australia.
The Australian economy depends upon a few of the major industries like banking, financial services, capital solutions, healthcare, telecommunications, real estate, mining-related exports, manufacturing, and international education in order to generate income.
Australia is set to become one of the leading economies of the world. So, let us learn more about the list of companies in Australia 2025.
List of company in Australia
Companies in Australia have made it possible for the country to stand tall among the developing nations of the world. This list of companies in Australia has made it possible for the economic sectors to bloom and have a portfolio envied by all.
Are you a marketer looking for a list of companies in Australia? Look for trustworthy and reliable email database providers who have millions of databases.
The database providers have a comprehensive list of companies in Australia that helps you boost your marketing efforts.
As a result, you can focus on creating personalized campaigns rather than collecting data on companies. In this blog, we have summarized a few of the companies and major industries in Australia that are booming.
Also, you will learn how to expand your business with little or no experience in the new country!
Top 5 Largest List of Companies in Australia 2025

Here is the list of top 5 largest scale companies in Australia 2025.
Company Name | Revenue (As Per 2021) | Employees |
BHP Group Limited | $46B | 80,000 |
Woolworths | $43B | 33,589 |
Commonwealth Bank | $27B | 48,900 |
Westpac Banking Group | $26B | 40,143 |
Coles group | $26B | 112,269 |
Do not struggle more, reach the right buyers from the large scale B2B companies in Australia. Contact Ampliz to buy an Australian business email list and reach the right decision makers in Australia.
List of Medium sized companies in Australia

ABS defines a medium-sized business that employs 20 to 199 employees while large ones employ 200 or more employees. As per the executive summary of the Small business sector contribution to the Australian economy,
- Around 4.8 million people worked for small businesses at the end of June 2017—up 66,000 or 1.4 per cent compared with the previous year. Since 2013 the number of small business employees has increased by 197,000 or 4.3 per cent.
- The small business share of total employment in selected industries has fallen from 46 per cent at the end of June 2009 to 44 per cent at the end of June 2017. This is primarily due to stronger growth in the number of employees working for large and medium–sized enterprises in this period compared with small firms (growth of 578,000 for larger enterprises and 283,000 for medium–sized businesses compared with growth of 212,000 for small businesses).
- While the small business sector accounted for close to 44 per cent of total employment in selected private sector industries, it accounted for 35 per cent of total Industry Valued Added (IVA) for the same industries combined, 34 percent of sales and service income and only 28 per cent of total wages and salaries.
When you look for the list of medium sized companies in Australia, you can always go for the sales data provider in APAC. Connect with Ampliz today to know more. Here is the sample list,
S.No | Name | Industry | Sector | Headquarters |
1 | AAB GAIN | Consumer Goods | Farming and Fishing | Adelaide |
2 | ABC Learning | Consumer Services | Consumer Specialized Services | Brisbane |
3 | Adam Internet | Telecommunications | Fixed Line Communication | Adelaide |
4 | Aerosonde | Industrials | Aerospace | Notting Hill |
5 | AGL Energy | Utilities | Multiutilities | Sydney |
6 | AlintaGas | Utilities | Gas Distribution | Perth |
7 | Altium | Technology | Software | Sydney |
8 | AMP | Financials | Consumer Finance | Sydney |
9 | Ansarada | Technology | Software | Sydney |
10 | Australia & New Zealand Banking Group | Financials | Bank | Melbourne |
11 | Australian Gas Light Company | Utilities | Conventional Electricity | Sydney |
12 | Beaurepaires | Consumer Services | Tires | Melbourne |
13 | Biosis | Industrials | Business Support Services | Port Melbourne |
14 | Blue Scope | Basic Materials | Iron & Steels | Melbourne |
15 | Boral | Industrials | Heavy Constructions | Sydney |
16 | Burn Philip | Consumer Goods | Food Products | Sydney |
17 | Camperdown Dairy Internationals | Consumer Goods | Food Products | Melbourne |
18 | CBH Group | Consumer Goods | Farming & Fishing | Perth |
19 | CBUS | Financials | Equity investment instruments | Melbourne |
20 | Chemeq | HealthCare | Pharmaceuticals | Perth |
21 | CHEP | Industrials | Delivery services | Sydney |
22 | CIMIC Group | Industrials | Heavy Constructions | Sydney |
23 | CityRail | Consumer services | Travel & tourism | Sydney |
24 | Cochlear | Healthcare | Biotechnology | Sydney |
25 | Compare the Market Australia | Financials | Insurance brokers | Brisbane |
26 | Compass Resources | Basic materials | General mining | Sydney |
27 | Computershare | Financials | Investment services | Melbourne |
28 | CSL | Healthcare | Biotechnology | Melbourne |
29 | CSR | Basic materials | General mining | Sydney |
30 | Debt Mediators Australia | Consumer services | Specialised consumer services | Brisbane |
31 | Delta Electricity | Utilities | Conventional electricity | Sydney |
32 | Dorf Clark Industries | Consumer goods | Building materials & fixtures | Brisbane |
33 | Downer Group | Industrials | Business support services | Sydney |
34 | Eftel | Telecommunications | Fixed line telecommunications | Perth |
35 | Elfin Cars | Consumer goods | Automobiles | Melbourne |
36 | Energex | Utilities | Conventional Electricity | Brisbane |
37 | EnviroMission | Utilities | Alternative electricity | Melbourne |
38 | Florigene | Health Care | Biotechnology | Melbourne |
39 | Fortescue Metals Group | Basic materials | General mining | Perth |
40 | Freehand Group | Consumer services | Broadcasting & entertainment | Sydney |
41 | GMHBA | Financials | Life & Health Insurance | Geelong |
42 | Healthscope | Health care | Health care providers | Melbourne |
43 | Holden Special Vehicles | Consumer goods | Automobiles | Melbourne |
44 | Incat | Industrials | Commercial vehicles & trucks | Hobart |
45 | Incitec Pivot | Basic materials | Specialty chemicals | Melbourne |
46 | Insurance Australia Group | Financials | Full line insurance | Sydney |
47 | IQnovate | Health care | Pharmaceuticals | Sydney |
48 | Kennedy Nolan | Industrials | Business support services | Melbourne |
49 | LJ Hooker | Financials | Real Estate Services | Sydney |
50 | Meriton | Financials | Real estate holding & development | Sydney |
51 | Multiplex | Industrials | Heavy construction | Sydney |
52 | MYOB | Technology | Software | Melbourne |
53 | National Australia Bank | Financials | Banks | Melbourne |
54 | Netbox Blue | Technology | Internet | Brisbane |
55 | Orbital Corporation | Oil & Gas | Alternative energy | Balcutta |
56 | Origin Energy | Oil & Gas | Exploration & production | Sydney |
57 | Orocobre | Basic materials | General mining | Brisbane |
58 | Ramsay Health Care | Health care | Health care providers | Sydney |
59 | Sigma Pharmaceuticals | Health care | Pharmaceuticals | Melbourne |
60 | Smorgon Steel | Basic Materials | Iron & Steels | Melbourne |
Do you want to reach all B2B companies in Australia decision makers? Ampliz is the right sales intelligence platform to reach all the decision makers in Australia to expand your business.
List of Industries in Australia

Based on the information by IBIS World, here is the list of 5 major industries in Australia:
1. State Government Administration in Australia
The State Government Administration industry comprises the eight state and major industries in Australia. Under the Australian Constitution, state and domain legislatures are liable for all that is definitely not a Federal Government obligation.
This incorporates, however, isn’t restricted to, schools, emergency clinics, streets, and rail lines. This report incorporates all activities that state and region legislatures embrace. Subsequently, it twofold counts key data with different businesses in Australia.
For instance, educators utilized in government schools in Australia are incorporated as representatives in both the State Government Administration industry and the Government Schools industry.
2. Finance in Australia
The Finance region’s working climate has been trying throughout recent years, because of falling loan costs. Private property costs have ascended over the period, supporting interest for contracts.
Be that as it may, unpredictable business certainty over the period has restricted development in capital consumption from the confidential area and by and large interest from business clients.
By and large, development income is supposed to decline at an annualized 2.4% over the five years through 2021-22, to $185.1 billion. Development income is expected to ascend by 2.1% in 2021-22, as most administrators have slowed down deferrals on advance reimbursements.
3. Professional Services in Australia
The Professional Services region gives different expert, logical, and specialized administrations to a scope of business sectors.
The development’s presentation is to a great extent connected to by and large monetary circumstances, which frequently decide business certainty and capital consumption.
Throughout recent years, more prominent business benefits, rising capital consumption by the public area, and generally sure business certainty have upheld regional interest.
Notwithstanding, the COVID-19 pandemic has disturbed a few enterprises in the Professional Services development, burdening the region’s presentation.
Specifically, interest for designing counseling, structural administrations, and studying and planning administrations has been compelled throughout the course of recent years during COVID-19.
4. Superannuation Funds in Australia
Australia’s superannuation framework supports the country’s retirement pay framework. Three support points make up the benefits framework: a method tried age benefits, obligatory super commitments, and intentional investment funds.
From 1 July 2021, the Superannuation Guarantee plot expects businesses to contribute a sum equivalent to 10.0% of a representative’s pay to the worker’s decision of superannuation reserve.
This framework has upheld the Superannuation Funds industry throughout the course of recent years, as would be considered normal to be one of the biggest annuity frameworks on the planet.
Industry income is supposed to fall by an annualized 8.1% over the five years through 2021-22, to $167.4 billion.
5. Health Services in Australia
The Health Services region incorporates a scope of wellbeing administrations and offices. General medical clinics are the development’s biggest income driver, representing over a portion of Australia’s health services income.
General experts (GPs), clinically trained professionals, and dental specialists likewise address huge income streams for the development.
Australia’s developing and maturing populace have serious areas of strength produced for wellbeing administrations throughout recent years.
Notwithstanding, the flare-up of COVID-19 in mid 2020 has restricted region development, as wellbeing administrations have diverted assets to contain the infection.
Thus, region income is supposed to develop at an annualized 1.6% over the five years through 2021-22.
How to Expand Business in Australia?

Extending universally is one of the invigorating and fulfilling list of major industries in Australia,
however, it comes with difficulties. Most organizations that come to Australia are fruitful however a few are not.
Assuming that you’re venturing into Australia, or to any unfamiliar nation, establishing solid groundwork early allows you the best opportunity for accomplishment.
Therefore, here are a few simple ways to learn how to expand business in Australia.
1. Research the Market
While scaling globally, organizations need to make a practical evaluation of the interest for their item. Assuming you have an online channel, this cycle is a lot simpler.
Anyway, you’ll have to comprehend the situation of your item in Australia, market drifts, your rivals and likely dangers in your industry. An itemized market study is prudent.
Getting solid counsel from quality individuals in-nation is an effective method for filling your insight loopholes. Experts and non-serious entrepreneurs in Australia can give significant experiences into market influences, social subtleties, sales cycle contrasts and that’s just the beginning.
If the local advisories are aware of the business and culture of Australia and the neighboring place, they will know what differences can be leveraged to highlight.
2. Select the Right People

Know that local partners and people are important. Sending your own employees to a list of company in Australia instead of sourcing some fresh talent may appear cost-effective due to the labor costs.
But, this is only in the short term that may result in long-term drawbacks. Having a lack of knowledge of the Australian market and the inability to build local relationships might not be what you expect for business success.
3. Build Trust Through Supply Chain

If you invest energy creating compatibility and entrust with providers and clients before you begin exchanging in Australia, then you’ll have laid out accomplice connections that are adjusted and boosted to help you when you really do begin exchanging.
These connections could assist with keeping away from failures along your business network. This is one of the best ways to know how to expand business in Australia.
4. Understand How Much Capital Needed
Prior to venturing into Australia, you’ll have to guarantee that your financial backers have satisfactory capital for an Australian startup. When you go to showcase, new issues might arise that you will not have thought about so it’s fundamental your monetary establishments are all together.
It’s likewise vital to pick the most appropriate kind of financing as obligation or value in light of the fact that basic expense outcomes stream from this.
In the event that your Australian substance gets advances from the parent or financial backers, the credit interest charged should be business to guarantee it is charge deductible.
What’s more, any value should be accurately detailed in the nearby Australian records and match the treatment by the parent organization.
5. Choose the Correct Business Structure
Picking the right business structure at the start has significant business and duty benefits. The design that will be best for your Australian tasks will rely upon your plan of action, expected exercises, and development plans.
For instance, what is the blend of your representatives and project workers? Will the parent organization go about as the merchant and clear the merchandise? Will the business be delicate for projects in Australia?
You ought to likewise think about the neighborhood tax collection, superannuation, and worldwide tax collection commitments that will apply, as various business structures mean various commitments.
Assuming you misunderstand your design, exchanging can be problematic and costly with lost GST credits, additional organization, potential taxation rates, time postponements, and lost open doors.
6. Customize Accounting Systems
It’s prudent to pick a bookkeeping framework that can develop with the Australian business and set it up from the very outset to consider a satisfactory following of monetary execution later on.
Frameworks, for example, XERO, NetSuite, or SAP can be custom-made to accomplish this.
Redoing your bookkeeping frameworks to meet both nearby and parent organizations revealing prerequisites and taking out however much manual handling as could be expected will assist you with accomplishing detailing cutoff times with maximum cost-adequacy.
Additionally, finance and HR frameworks should be not difficult to oversee in that frame of mind of quickly expanding staff numbers or high staff turnover in the underlying development stage.
7. Embrace Communication and Financial Monitoring Tools
The everyday real factors of having universally disseminated groups mean you want brilliant, cloud-based work processes and specialized devices that let you team up across borders successfully and straightforwardly.
There ought to likewise be a legitimate correspondence and observing framework set up so the parent and neighborhood elements can set and meet feasible targets.
Amplify Business with the Ampliz Australia Business Email List

Above all, you need to have an email database that takes your Australian business a level ahead of the competitors.
Understand the power of the Ampliz Australia Business Email list. It has all the information you need for the companies in Australia. You can easily connect with the key decision makers from multiple companies.
Ampliz Australia Business Email list contains information on technographic, firmographics, demographics, and geographic situation of the company.
Depending upon your target audience, you can make any kind of list you want for the APAC region. Whether you are looking for a list of medium sized companies in Australia or small-sized ones!
Thus, you can plan the best hyper-personalized marketing campaign for the companies. As a result, it helps in taking the prospects to the sales cycle and lets them make a purchase decision.
If you are a marketer looking to find the best and most efficient Australian email database, go for the Ampliz Australia Business Email list. Book Ampliz Demo.
FAQ: List of Companies in Australia
Which big list of companies are in Australia?
There are a variety of big companies in Australia that span various industries. Some of the top companies include Commonwealth Bank, BHP Billiton, Woolworths, Westpac Banking Corporation, Rio Tinto, Telstra Corporation and National Australia Bank. Additionally, there are also many smaller to mid-size companies in the country that are making their mark on the economy.
What are the top 5 list of companies in Australia?
According to the Financial Review’s list of the top 500 companies in Australia, the top 5 list of companies in Australia are:
1. Commonwealth Bank
2. BHP Billiton
3. Woolworths
4. Westpac Banking Corporation
5. Rio Tinto