Though the most traditional and uncomfortable marketing tactic SaaS cold calling is, it is one of the best marketing strategies that help you to get clients to propel your business.
Cold calling is a cost-effective and human center way of generating new customers.
Cold calling allows you to have a human-to-human interaction, know about your target audience, and get market insights.
But cold calling in the sales segment is totally an unknown realm, and to excel in it and make the best out of it, you need to follow certain cold calling tips for SaaS.
In this blog, we are going to discuss 10 effective cold-calling tips for SaaS companies in India that will help you to generate more leads and meet your sales target.
The SaaS cold calling tricks that we are going to discuss in this blog are:
1) Do in-depth research
2) Define your list
3) Use a local number and ensure it’s working well
4)Use script
5) Be open and honest
6) Don’t get distracted while making calls
7) Manage rejection well
8) Leverage technology
9) Reach out to your prospect on the best time
10) End on a good note
10 Effective Cold Calling Tips for SaaS Companies
1) Do in-depth Research
Before you make a call to your prospect make sure you have researched about your prospect and also about your product too. A phone validator tool can help you with such insights by enriching the contacts with timezone, line type, carrier info and validity of the number which can be used to plan perfectly timed SMS campaigns and cold calling schedules.
To achieve a high conversion rate, you must be clear about your offerings, and the needs of your prospect. Make sure you have done enough research about your prospect, their problems, which products they are using currently, and whether they have approached you in the past or not.
Along with this, you should also be clear about your products, their features, and how they have solved the problems of your other clients.
For example, if you are offering some tool to extract the email id, then focus on talking about its benefits and how it has helped clients to extract more authentic email ids.
2) Define Your List
At the end of the day what matters is the number of conversions you make. And to achieve maximum conversion rate the calls you make should be relevant. Making calls randomly to everyone under the sun will not help you to achieve your sales target.
Defining your target audience and making cold calls only to ideal sales prospects is a first prerequisite of cold calling for SaaS, that help you to increase your conversion rate and ultimately achieve a predetermined sales target.
Reflect on your existing customer database, or view the testimonials on your competitor’s website to find your potential sales prospect.
Once you know whom to approach, research their business and market. Find the decision makers of the company by browsing through social media platforms.
This way you will get the exact person to make a call, but how do you get the contact details of the person?
There are multiple ways by which you can get the numbers of the decision maker of the company namely,
- Email signature, install the Gmail plugin Rapportive to get additional contact info.
- Company website
- Tools like Ampliz
- Linkedin profiles
- Clintale list of competitors
- social media networks
Ampliz holds the most accurate, reliable, and extensive datasets of the decision makers of the industry you are intended to target for SaaS cold calling. Ampliz tracks the footprints of buying journey of your potential customers with the help of cutting-edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning.
This way Ampliz ensures 98% accuracy of the datasets it provides.
Book a demo to know more about Ampliz’s APAC intelligence tool.
3) Use Local Numbers and Make Sure it is Working Well
In all means you just need to create a sense of credibility and trust in your prospect’s mind, and the way to do this is by using a local number. Seeing service providers calling from locals makes them feel comfortable, as it creates a sense of accountability in their minds.
That’s why to use a local number, and make sure it’s working well. Repeating the same things again and again due to poor connectivity will waste your and your prospect’s time. That’s why make sure you have a stable network and a good cloud phone connection.
4) Using a SaaS Call Script in the Right Way
The nervousness of talking to some stranger should not make you unconfident during the call. As we all know the first impression is the last impression, so you should not waste this opportunity to impress your prospect.
And for that, having some script or template handy will make things easy for you. The way you start your conversation has a lot of impact on your prospect. For example, how you start the conversation, how you acknowledge the person, and how you introduce yourself impact the interest of that person.
You should use the sentences in your script in such a way that your prospect should tell you “Tell me more”.
But at the same time, you should not sound like a robot. The purpose of having a script is to ensure that you don’t lose track while having a conversation with your prospect.
The success of your cold calling for SaaS doesn’t depend upon how good your script is, but it depends upon how well you use it.
Related: SaaS Customer Acquisition Strategy
5) Be Open and Honest
One of the important SaaS cold calling tricks is not to make any false promises and show fake figures in an urge of closing the deal. Be authentic and real during the call.
Focus on having a long-term relationship and not a temporary one. And for that leave enough room for the questions and provide them with all the information in your answers.
If they don’t ask questions, give them an opportunity to get their doubts clear by asking them to ask questions.
Always be honest with every statement, and if you’re not sure, then better to plan for the second call to discuss that. The more real, open, and honest you be during the call, the more you will gain your prospect’s trust, and then conversion becomes easy.
6) Don’t Get Distracted While Making Calls
Don’t multitask while on SaaS cold calling to avoid distraction. An effective conversation with your prospects needs your undivided attention. You can listen and understand well only when you are focused.
That is why avoid distractions while making calls. And you can do that by
a) Turning off your screen
b) keeping your phone aside
c) Maintaining a distance from social media sites while you are on B2B calls
d) Getting rid of unwanted thoughts and listening carefully to what your prospect is telling you
7) Manage Rejection Well
Rejection is an unavoidable part of sales. Hearing no from your prospect is of course painful, but you should not be bogged down by this rejection.
Consider rejection as redirection, every rejection gives you a chance to introspect. Use it well, and don’t give up making calls just to avoid rejection.
Having the mindset of helping people to find solutions for their business problems would help you to take rejection positively.
Be a good listener. You can’t control the response of your prospect to your offer, but you can definitely control your reaction toward their “No”.
Related: Cold Email Marketing for SaaS Companies
8) Reach Out to Your Prospect at the Best Time
To have a fruitful conversation with your prospect you must call at the right time. Now, what does the right time mean? so the time when the probability of them being free from any personal or professional would be higher. According to the phone burner, the apt time for cold call outreach is between 9AM-4PM
Among which 10 A.M. and 2PM are the best times to call your potential customers. You should not disturb them from 1 PM-2PM and before 8 A.M. As these are the worst times to call.
Along with the timings, weekdays also matter, to make a sales cold call. As per the phone burner research, Monday, and Tuesday are the best days to make calls and have the highest pickup rate with 15.1% and 15.42% and Sunday has the least pickup rate with 10.35%.
9) Use Technology
Though cold calling is an old-age marketing tactic, you can make it modern and technologically evolved by using the right technology. Today in a digitally evolving market many tools and mobile apps are there to ease the salesperson’s workload.
One such tool is CRM. CRM is the most preferred choice for many businesses but to stay ahead of the competition using CRM with advanced features is a must.
Many CRMs available that offer you sales and cold calling features in one tool, along with many other features. For example, many CRMs offer you to make a cold along with many features like taking notes, and recording for the future. By using a CRM call center, sales teams can improve call efficiency, track performance, and ensure better lead management—all of which are crucial for optimizing cold calling success.
This CRM makes cold calling very easy with just one click.
10) End on a Good Note
If everything goes well during the call, guide your prospect to take the next steps. Give them a clear call to action and discuss what steps to follow.
Make sure you and your prospect are clear for the further step before ending the call.
Though cold calling for SaaS is a bit conventional, it is undeniably useful for businesses even today.
Thus, to get all the benefits of SaaS cold calling, namely a better understanding of the target audience, Clear insight of the market, and better conversion rate, you should follow the above-mentioned SaaS cold calling tips.
If you are looking to get accurate SaaS cold calling list, book a demo now!!!