As a B2B company that receives and stores large amounts of customer data, it’s important to ensure your customers feel secure with you. This means demonstrating that you understand the modern cybersecurity threats that exist today and taking proactive steps to protect your customers’ data. In this article, we will outline 12 ways you can show your customers that you take customer security seriously.

Create a Cybersecurity Policy that is readily Viewable on Your Website

Creating a cybersecurity policy that is openly available and viewable on your website can show customers that you are taking the necessary steps to protect their data. This policy should outline the steps you take to protect customer data, as well as any measures taken in the event of a breach.

It should also address any third-party vendors or other entities that you work with that could potentially have access to customer data. This policy should be updated regularly, as new threats and technologies arise.

It can also outline any training methods you have in place for employees that take into consideration new and evolving threats such as phishing–whether it’s to avoid phone-based social engineering (things like spoofing and vishing) or fake websites and email addresses.

Make Sure Your Website is Secure

Your website should always use the latest encryption protocols to ensure all data is securely transmitted. It’s also important to stay up-to-date on any security patches that may become available, as new vulnerabilities can leave your site vulnerable to attack. Additionally, consider using a web application firewall (WAF), which can help identify and mitigate many common website threats.

This is one of the first things any company website will need to have in place in order to protect its customers’ data. In order for anyone to want to do business with you online, you will need an SSL certificate in the top left corner of your website to ensure all data is encrypted. As well, you should use secure payment gateways for all financial transactions, and analyze each transaction meticulously to identify any suspicious indicators and align it with a customer’s risk profile. Finally, having a cloud VPN solution can provide an additional layer of protection for your site.

Conduct Regular Security Audits

Conducting regular security audits can help identify areas of weakness in your company’s IT infrastructure, allowing you to take steps to address them. This should include both internal and external auditing, as well as testing for any potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.

In addition to this, you should also regularly review all employee accounts to ensure access privileges are up-to-date and appropriate. This can help prevent unauthorized access or misuse of customer data. Finally, it’s important to stay up-to-date on any new security threats as they arise, and take steps to prepare for them.

You can also track what browsers your employees use and whether these browsers are secure. If not, consider learning the Brave vs Duckduckgo browsers difference to determine which one provides better security features for your company’s needs.

By demonstrating your commitment to data security, you can show customers that you understand the importance of protecting their data and take their privacy seriously. Taking these measures will help build customer trust and loyalty, and ensure their data is safe in your hands.

Many customers are looking for assurances that you take their security seriously, so it’s important to make sure you have these measures in place. Doing so will help build customer trust and loyalty, as well as protect the customer data that your business relies on.

Invest in Secure Storage

When you are receiving and storing customer data, it is essential that you invest in a secure storage solution. This should be a service or provider that offers high levels of encryption and other security features to ensure that your customer’s data is kept safe. It is also important to ensure that any backups you make are stored securely, as this will help protect your customer’s data in the event of an emergency.

Finally, make sure that any employees who have access to customer data understand best practices and security protocols. This can include regularly changing passwords and ensuring that all data is properly encrypted. By taking these steps, you can help ensure that customer data remains secure and protect your business from potential breaches.

Invest in Security Training

Investing in security training for your employees is essential to ensure that they understand and adhere to best practices when handling customer data. This can include things like using strong passwords, avoiding phishing attacks, and understanding the importance of encrypting all data. 

This training should be you Investing in these measures will help you demonstrate to your customers that you are taking their security seriously and wanting to create a safe, secure experience when doing business with them.

Don’t forget to train them on the specific software or tools you’re using. If you’re still looking for a great website scanner, use this list of the best vulnerability scanners to find the right one for your business. 

Not only should you invest in the training for your employees–given that a company’s employees represent its biggest cybersecurity threat–but you can let your customers (current and prospective) know that you take employee cybersecurity training seriously.

Just as you would advertise any favourable media coverage on your website, you can also advertise things like your staff having completed certain courses or certifications in cybersecurity. This helps reassure customers that you take the topic seriously, and signals your commitment to customer security and privacy.

Have a Chief of Cybersecurity

One of the best ways to show customers that you take their security seriously is by appointing a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). This individual will be responsible for implementing and monitoring all cybersecurity policies, ensuring that customer data is kept secure. They should also be the point-of-contact in case of any breaches or other security incidents.

Having a dedicated person in charge of cybersecurity will help your customers feel more secure when doing business with you, as it demonstrates that you are taking the topic seriously and have someone overseeing all security measures.

Get Certified

In addition to investing in cybersecurity training, you may also want to consider getting certified by an independent third-party. This will demonstrate that your company is taking the necessary steps to keep customer data secure and give customers peace of mind.

There are several certification programs available, such as ISO 27001 (Information Security Management System) and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). These certifications will help show customers that your company is compliant with industry standards and taking customer security seriously.

Make Sure Your Software is up-to-date

Outdated software is one of the biggest security risks to companies. An outdated system may have unpatched vulnerabilities or be susceptible to attacks, making it an attractive target for hackers.

To show customers that you are taking their security seriously, make sure that all of your software and systems are kept up-to-date. Set up notifications to remind yourself to regularly check for updates, and install any necessary patches as soon as they become available.

Also, make sure that all of your software is from reputable sources and has been reviewed by third-party experts for security and privacy concerns. This will go a long way toward helping your customers feel more secure in doing business with you.

Be Transparent

In addition to taking measures to protect customer data, make sure that you are also being transparent about how you handle and store that data. Let customers know what steps you take to secure their information, how long it is stored for, and who has access to it.

Being open and transparent about your security measures will help customers feel more secure in doing business with you, as it demonstrates that you are taking their data seriously and are committed to protecting it.

You can also perform and publish the results of regular audits. Let your customers know that you are doing due diligence and living up to any compliance obligations you might have. Finally, make sure that you have clear policies in place regarding data usage and storage. Let customers know what types of information they can expect to be collected, how it will be used and stored, and who has access to it.

This is a great way to show customers that you are taking their security seriously.

Have a Solid Disaster Recovery Plan

A disaster recovery plan is essential for any company that stores customer data. It outlines the steps you will take in the event of a security breach or other disaster, so customers can have peace of mind knowing that their information is safe and secure.

Your IT disaster recovery plan should include steps such as backing up all data regularly, storing backups off-site, and having a team in place to respond to any security incidents. Having this plan in place will show customers that you are taking their data seriously and are prepared for any eventuality.

Invest in Cyber Insurance

Cyber insurance is an increasingly popular way for companies to protect themselves from any potential data breaches. Investing in a cyber liability policy can help you cover the costs of any data breach, as well as provide legal advice if needed.

Having this kind of coverage shows customers that you are serious about protecting their data and are taking the necessary steps to do so. It also shows that you are serious about limiting your financial exposure to any potential data breaches.


With the rise of cyber threats and data breaches, it’s more important than ever for companies that store customer data to take security seriously. By implementing these 12 measures, B2B companies can show their customers that they understand modern cybersecurity threats and are taking their data seriously.

From investing in security certifications to having a solid disaster plan in place, these measures will help customers feel more secure in doing business with you. With a little bit of effort, you can give your customers peace of mind and protect their information at the same time.

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